Service:Irvine PD
Location:Brea office
Examiner: No preference
Date/time:Mon, May 27 at 10:00 AM (PDT)

Please ask applicants to verify they received the confirmation email.  THE EMAIL MAY BE SENT TO SPAM.  Please ask they complete all steps as outlined in their confirmation email within 24 hours of receiving this confirmation email.   

First name*
Last name*
Who is making this appointment>*
Applicant has agreed to receive emails and text messages Yes/No*
Background investigator EMAIL*
Background investigator phone number:*
What position is the applicant applying for?*
PRE or POST conditional job offer?*
Is this applicant traveling from out of state?*
Is this a specific issue test? If so, which topic?*
For specific issues tests, stop here. For New pre employment polygraphs, please write concerns below.
Any Employment Issue concerns?
Any Domestic Violence concerns?
Any Illegal Sex concerns?
Any Theft issue concerns?
Any Serious Crimes concerns?
Any Gang activity-affiliation concerns?
Any Illegal drug use/sales concerns?
Any other background issues, not listed here?
* required field